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Nogo-66 蛋白的免疫原性研究-在体实验         
Nogo-66 蛋白的免疫原性研究-在体实验
作者:岳红云 贺… 文章来源:第三军医大学大坪医院野战外科研究所眼科,贺翔鸽 重庆 400042) 点击数:1374 更新时间:2007/6/20 9:44:40
Purpose: To investigate the immunogenicity of Nogo-66 protein which artificially conposited templeting from cDNA of human Nogo gene and to offer the initial proof for immunotherpy in injured central nerve system. Method: To immunise the experimental animals by Nogo-66 protein and detected IgG in blood surem for verifying the change in humoral-mediated immunity,detected the percentage of T cell in S and G2/M tage to know the change about potential improving of cell mediated immunity at the preimmunse and postimmunised alter time point by 5d、7d、10d、14d、 20d、28d、36d、48d and 4d、8d、16d、20d. Consequence: The immused animals show more IgG and T cells of Stage than control groups. The peak numerical value of IgG occurrence during the 16~24d and the T cell in S tage is 8~ 16d.The results exhibited significant distinction to control groups. Conclusion: The immusing of Nogo-66 protein can improve both the humoral-mediated immunity and cell-mediated immunity can be proved by ex vivo, so, we try to study if it can be used in immunotherapy to injured CNS based on above mentioned effect.
会议投稿录入:aya610    责任编辑:毛进 
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