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An Overview of Shih-Pai Eye Study           ★★★
An Overview of Shih-Pai Eye Study
作者:Wen-Ming… 文章来源:Department of Ophthalmology,Shuang-Ho Hospital,Taipei Medical University,Taipei, Taiwan 点击数:227 更新时间:2011/9/13
OBJECTIVES: The Shihpai Eye Study is a population-based study focused on epidemiological research of eye diseases of the elderly .This presentation will overview and summarize some significant findings of this Study.
METHODS: Between July 1, 1999 and December 31, 2000. A total of 1, 361 participated in both the questionnaire and eye examination. A structured questionnaire used to obtain information on demographic data, personal medical history, family history and lifestyle. Blood pressure, weight, height, waist and hip circumference were measured by intensively trained interviewers. Those who were interviewed were invited to the study which was conducted in a medical center for a comprehensive standardized ophthalmic examination. 
RESULTS: The prevalence of visual impairment was 3.53%, cataract: 59.2%, dry eye: 23.5%, pterygium: 7.9% The rate of blindness and low vision was estimated to be 0.59% and 2.94 % respectively.The leading cause of visual impairment was cataract, followed by myopic macular degeneration and age-related macular degeneration.The prevalence of cataract revealed 59.2% with women having a higher prevalence than men. Cigarette smoking was also a risk factor for cataract. The prevalence of dry eye (23.5%) was higher than whites (14.6%). IOP decrease with age, women higher IOP than men, IOP in elderly Chinese lower than white.Prevalence of AMD among the elderly (11.2%) Prevalence of glaucoma (7.9%) .
CONCLUSIONS: The Shihpai Eye Study is a population-based study focused on epidemiological research of eye diseases of the elderly in Taiwan.Twelve papers regarding to Shihpai Eye Study have been published in SCI journals. The series of reports identified prevalence and risk factors for various eye diseases.The findings serve as an important references to compare with other population-based eye studies in USA, Australia, Europe and Asia.
会议投稿录入:毛进    责任编辑:毛进 
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