Professional organization dedicated to continued education and advocacy for epidemiologists. Site provides continuing educational information, current news, etc.
INCLEN's web site presents information about the organization: news, programs and activities, research, meetings, publications, and participating medical centers.
The American Journal of Epidemiology is the premier epidemiological journal devoted to the publication of empirical research findings, methodological developments in the field of epidemiological research, and opinion pieces.
Biweekly journal published by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention that tracks and analyzes disease trends. Site includes a search engine, abstracts of articles, and full text of recent articles.
Publishes original reports and reviews on all aspects of infection in man and animals, book reviews. Free access to tables of contents and abstracts, 1997-present.
Publishes original and review articles, brief reports and proceedings of relevant symposia. Covers different fields of epidemiology of communicable and non-communicable diseases and their control. Free access to TOCs and abstracts, 1997-present.
Publishes original articles, editorials, reviews, brief reports, letters, book reviews. Free access to TOCs, abstracts, and selected full text, 1975-present. Access to all full text articles restricted to subscribers. Free subscription to eTOCs.
Publishes original papers, leading articles, reviews and short papers concerned with the study and improvement of communities worldwide. Free access to TOCs and abstracts, 1978-present.
The World Health Organization (WHO) Weekly Epidemiological Record (WER) serves as an essential instrument for the rapid and accurate dissemination of epidemiological information on cases and outbreaks of diseases under the International Health Regulations and on other communicable diseases of public health importance, including the newly emerging or re-emerging infections. The WER is distributed every Friday in a bilingual English/French edition.
This handbook provides basic facts regarding foodborne pathogenic microorganisms and natural toxins. It brings together in one place information from the Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the USDA Food Safety Inspection Service, and the National Institutes of Health.
These data cover the prevalence of risk factors for disease on both the national and state level and are collected annually and reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Data of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention on HIV disease and AIDS in the United States include case definitions, statistics, and information on populations at risk
Presents reports, census data, database resource catalog, news, and a directory of web resources. Health Policy Institute, Medical College of Wisconsin.
This site provides a compendium of clinical practice guidelines that have been developed by the United States Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality on a wide range of topics as the result of meta-analyses.
Healthy People 2010 is the prevention agenda for the United States. It contains a set of national objectives designed to identify the most significant preventable threats to health and to establish national goals to reduce those threats.
This site presents the annually published Summary of Notifiable Diseases in the United States, with national and state statistics, figures and trends over time.
This site presents a list of publications from the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results Program of the National Cancer Institute, including the annual report of cancer incidence and mortality statistics.
This site contains information for travelers to various international destinations, including specifics on outbreaks, various diseases and recommendations on vaccinations.
This site presents data from an annual national survey of the health of the population of the United States, including information on general health, risk factors for disease, and the use of medical care.
The University of Pittsburghs collection of basic lectures is well illustrated and updated regularly. Contributors from around the world submit lectures, which cover topics ranging from study design to the epidemiology of specific diseases.
The WHO Statistical Information System is a guide to health and health-related epidemiological and statistical information available from the World Health Organization, and elsewhere. Most WHO technical programmes make statistical information available, and they will be linked from here. You also have the possibility to search by keywords within the WHOSIS or throughout the entire WHO site.
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