Scientist-oriented Web site cataloging information on clinical diseases with identified genetic loci. Includes diagrams of metabolic pathways and links to gene sequences, chromosome maps, medline, and news concerning specific genetic diseases.
This site contains a database of over 200 clinical cases, including numerous cancer cases, with gross and microscopic pathology specimen photographs and discussion.
Part of the comprehensive University of Utah Webpath site, which features slides and gross specimens, as well as discussions of over one hundred neuropathological conditions.
A report intended for primary care clinicians: physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, other allied health professionals, and students. It provides recommendations for clinical practice on preventive interventions screening tests, counseling interventions, immunizations, and chemoprophylactic regimens for the prevention of more than 80 target conditions, including colorectal, prostate, lung, breast, and other cancers.
Hematology teaching cases prepared by clinical faculty at a variety of institutions. Sponsored by the American Society of Hematology and hosted by the University of Washington. Cases discussed are anemia and thrombocytopenia, polycythemia, thrombocytopenia, coagulation, and myeloproliferative disorder.
Part of the comprehensive University of Utah Webpath site which features slides and gross specimens as well as discussions of different pathological conditions. Useful for blood smears and bone marrow histopathology. is a patient-oriented health education site produced by Blue Shield. The site features a comprehensive medical library with brief summaries of an exhaustive list of medical conditions.
This database is a catalog of human genes and genetic disorders edited by physicians and scientists and developed for the World Wide Web by NCBI, the National Center for Biotechnology Information. The database contains very detailed textual information, pictures, and reference information. It also contains copious links to NCBI's Entrez database of MEDLINE articles and sequence information.
An excellent overview of a variety of neurological conditions, with information on pathophysiology, clinical findings, and treatment. The site features histopathology, photos, and video clips. The site is a work in progress and now includes overviews on Parkinsonism, dystonia, neuromuscular diseases, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, and third nerve palsy.
Case presentations and outlines and reviews of select topics.
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