The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) is a professional association of pharmacists and associates who serve patients and the public through the promotion of wellness and rational drug therapy by the application of managed care principles.
The American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) is a professional and scientific society that provides leadership, education, advocacy, and resources enabling clinical pharmacists to achieve excellence in practice and research.
The Society is the largest scientific and professional organization serving the discipline of Clinical Pharmacology. Most of the members are physicians (69%) or other doctoral scientists (29%). Pharmacists, nurses, research coordinators, fellows in training, and other professionals make up the remaining 2%.
Site divided into three sections; public, students, and members. Includes links for training programs, educational resources, pharmacology resources, and publications.
The Drug Information Association (DIA) is the premier member-driven organization encompassing the full continuum of disciplines in the pharmaceutical and related industries. The goal of DIA is to be the most effective means for members to obtain the knowledge they need to advance their career, their profession, and their organization.
ISAP is a Web-based educational environment for health professionals, including physicians, nurses, pharmacists, dentists and veterinarians as well as students in those disciplines.
Information on thousands of prescription and over-the-counter medications is provided through two drug resources MedMaster, a product of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP), and the USP DI Advice for the Patient, a product of the United States Pharmacopeia (USP).
Pharmacy Today reports the news and opinions vital to all pharmacists in today's competitive marketplace. This comprehensive forum of pharmacotherapeutic, legislative, and socioeconomic news serves every segment of the pharmacy profession, with a spec ial emphasis on pharmaceutical care. Published 12 times a year, the monthly newspaper is an official publication of the American Pharmaceutical Association.
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