Figure 19-1: Repair of full-thickness lid laceration. A: The defect shown. B: Initial vertical mattress suture through tarsal plate. C: Interrupted suture closure of tarsal plate. D: Interrupted suture closure of skin. (Reproduced, with permission, from Phelps C: Manual of Common Ophthalmic Surgical Procedures. Churchill Livingstone, 1986.)
Figure 19-2: Metallic corneal foreign body. (Courtesy of A Rosenberg.)
Figure 19-3: Hole in retina, macular area, posttraumatic.
Figure 19-4: Choroidal ruptures. (Photo by Diane Beeston.)
Figure 19-5: Ophthalmoscopic view of intraocular metallic (iron) foreign body in vitreous.
Figure 19-6: Right orbital blowout fracture in upgaze.