Subject Index


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Chapters in boldface indicate a major discussion of a topic.

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Subject Index W
Waardenberg syndrome, (Foundations Volume 3, Chapter 58) 
ocular manifestations, (Foundations Volume 3, Chapter 58) 
systemic manifestations, (Foundations Volume 3, Chapter 58) 
Waardenburg syndrome, types I, II, (Clinical Volume 4, Chapter 38) 
Wagner-Stickler syndrome, anesthetic implications, (Clinical Volume 6, Chapter 81) 
Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia, (Foundations Volume 3, Chapter 17) 
Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia. See Macroglobulinemia, Waldenstrom’s
Wall-eyed bilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia syndrome, (Foundations Volume 1, Chapter 38) 
War, eye injuries from, protective device effectiveness and, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 45) 
Warpage, corneal, contact lens-associated, (Clinical Volume 4, Chapter 27) 
“Warp tracing, ” in indocyanine green angiography, (Clinical Volume 3, Chapter 4A) 
Warts, (Foundations Volume 3, Chapter 7) See Verrucae
Waste disposal, microbiology laboratory and, (Foundations Volume 2, Chapter 47) 
Water clefts, of lens, (Clinical Volume 6, Chapter 56) 
eye injuries from, protective device effectiveness and, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 45) 
sports involving, eye injuries from, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 45) 
Water polo, eye injuries from, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 45) 
protective device effectiveness and, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 45) 
Water-provocative test, (Foundations Volume 2, Chapter 7) 
Water skiing, eye injuries from, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 45) 
Water sports, eye injuries from, protective device effectiveness and, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 45) 
Waters projection, (Clinical Volume 2, Chapter 23) 
Water transport, conjunctival epithelial cell electrolyte, (Foundations Volume 2, Chapter 2) 
Wavefront technology
Wavelength of light, (Foundations Volume 2, Chapter 15) 
Wave theory of light, (Foundations Volume 2, Chapter 15) 
Weber-Christian disease, (Clinical Volume 2, Chapter 35) 
Weber syndrome, oculomotor palsy in, (Clinical Volume 2, Chapter 12) 
Wedge resection, astigmatic keratotomy and, (Clinical Volume 6, Chapter 42) 
Weiger hyaloideocapsular ligament, (Foundations Volume 1, Chapter 16) 
Weil disease. See Leptospirosis
Weis procedure, in entropion, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 75) 
Weiss-Otto reflex, (Clinical Volume 3, Chapter 36) 
Werner suppression test, in thyroid disease, (Clinical Volume 2, Chapter 12) 
Wernicke hemianopic pupil, (Clinical Volume 2, Chapter 7) 
Weskamp-Cotlier syndrome, (Clinical Volume 3, Chapter 34) 
Wessely immune ring, (Foundations Volume 2, Chapter 28) 
Wessely rings, in herpes simplex keratitis, (Clinical Volume 4, Chapter 19) 
Westergren method. See also Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
Weyers-Thier syndrome, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 29) 
carotid dissection after, facial pain in, (Clinical Volume 2, Chapter 16) 
disorders of accommodation and, (Clinical Volume 2, Chapter 15) 
Whiplash shaken infant syndrome. See Shaken baby syndrome
White dermographism, (Foundations Volume 2, Chapter 29) 
White dots, in multiple evanescent white-dot syndrome, (Clinical Volume 4, Chapter 49) (Clinical Volume 4, Chapter 57) 
White limbal girdle of Vogt, (Clinical Volume 4, Chapter 16) 
Whitnall tubercle, (Foundations Volume 1, Chapter 5) 
WHO. See World Health Organization (WHO)
Whorled microcystic dystrophy, (Foundations Volume 3, Chapter 9) 
Wide-band filters, (Clinical Volume 3, Chapter 6) 
Wide Range Achievement reading test, (Clinical Volume 2, Chapter 7) 
Wildervanck syndrome, and Duane retraction syndrome, (Clinical Volume 1, Chapter 20) 
Wilms’ tumor, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 31) 
in oculocerebrorenal syndrome, (Foundations Volume 3, Chapter 2) 
Wing cells, of corneal epithelium, (Foundations Volume 1, Chapter 8) 
Winter sports, eye injuries from, protective device effectiveness and, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 45) 
Wirt stereotest, (Clinical Volume 1, Chapter 5) 
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 40) 
Wolf-Hirschhorn disease, (Foundations Volume 3, Chapter 59) 
Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 41) 
Wolf-Hirshhorn syndrome, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 41) 
Wolfram syndrome. See Diabetes mellitus, juvenile
World Health Organization (WHO), visual acuity classification, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 52) 
Worst goniotomy lens, (Clinical Volume 1, Chapter 62) 
Worth concept of fusion, (Clinical Volume 1, Chapter 5) 
corneal epithelial regeneration, (Clinical Volume 4, Chapter 28) 
corneal stroma in, (Clinical Volume 4, Chapter 28) 
hygiene, lid trauma and, (5)75: 8
closure, (Clinical Volume 6, Chapter 3 ) 
after cataract surgery, pediatric, (Clinical Volume 6, Chapter 100) 
after cataract surgery, in pediatric patient, (Clinical Volume 6, Chapter 100) 
revision, astigmatic keratotomy versus, (Clinical Volume 6, Chapter 42) 
Wrestling, eye injuries from, protective device effectiveness and, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 45) 
Writing impairment, alexia with, (Clinical Volume 2, Chapter 7) 
Wuchereria bancrofti, (Foundations Volume 2, Chapter 79) 

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Subject Index X
Xanthogranulomatosis, Erdheim-Chester disease, (Clinical Volume 2, Chapter 35) (Clinical Volume 2, Chapter 39) 
Xanthogranulomatosis, orbital, (Foundations Volume 3, Chapter 17) 
Xanthoma, conjunctival, (Clinical Volume 4, Chapter 10) 
Xanthoma cells, in Erdheim-Chester disease, (Clinical Volume 2, Chapter 35) 
essential hypercholesterolemic, cataract in, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 41) 
Xanthomatosis, hypercholesterolemic, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 41) 
Xanthophyll, macular
laser photocoagulation and, (Clinical Volume 6, Chapter 76) 
in light toxicity protection, (Clinical Volume 3, Chapter 37) 
X-cells, amblyopia and, (Clinical Volume 1, Chapter 10) 
X-chromosome, inheritance, (Foundations Volume 3, Chapter 57) 
Xenon are photocoagulation, (Clinical Volume 3, Chapter 30) 
Xeroderma pigmentosum, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 27) 
basal cell carcinoma associated with, (Clinical Volume 4, Chapter 3) 
Xerophthalmia, (Foundations Volume 3, Chapter 8) (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 59 ) 
Bitot’s spots in, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 59) 
classification, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 59) 
conjunctival xerosis, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 59) 
corneal destruction, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 59) 
fundus ophthalmicus, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 59) 
conjunctival impression cytology in, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 59) 
corneal opacification related to, in developing world, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 61) 
gram-negative bacilli and, (Foundations Volume 2, Chapter 52) 
keratomalacia and, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 59) 
relative dose response in, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 59) 
retinol binding protein in, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 59) 
serum vitamin A levels in, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 59) 
vitamin A deficiency and, (Foundations Volume 2, Chapter 52) 
X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 41) 
X-linked agammaglobulinemia, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 40) 
X-linked cataract, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 41) 
X-linked disease. See also specific disease
adrenoleukodystrophy, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 30) 
Alport’s syndrome. (See Alport’s syndrome)
Fabry’s disease. (See Fabry’s disease)
Hunter syndrome. (See also Hunter syndrome)
ichthyosis, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 27) See also Ichthyosis
Nettleship-Falls ocular albinism, (Clinical Volume 4, Chapter 38) 
X-linked OA with late-onset sensorineural deafness, (Clinical Volume 4, Chapter 38) 
X-linked ocular albinism, choroideremia versus, (Clinical Volume 3, Chapter 25A) 
X-linked retinitis pigmentosa, choroideremia versus, (Clinical Volume 3, Chapter 24) (Clinical Volume 3, Chapter 25A) 
X-ray examination. See Radiology
X-rays, phosphenes created by, (Foundations Volume 2, Chapter 20) 

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Subject Index Y
Y-cells, amblyopia and, (Clinical Volume 1, Chapter 10) 
Yeast preparations, for nutritional deficiency, (Clinical Volume 2, Chapter 5) 
Yeasts, and yeastlike fungi, (Foundations Volume 2, Chapter 54) 
Yellow oculocutaneous albinism, (Clinical Volume 4, Chapter 38) 
Yersinia enterocolitica, (Clinical Volume 4, Chapter 4) 
Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, (Clinical Volume 4, Chapter 4) 
Yohimbine, catecholamine systems and, (Foundations Volume 3, Chapter 29) 
Young-Helmholtz hypothesis, (Foundations Volume 2, Chapter 13) 
Y-splitting procedure, in Duane syndrome, 5, (Clinical Volume 6, Chapter 96) 

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Subject Index Z
“Zellballen, ”, (2) 41:9
Zellweger (cerebrohepatorenal) syndrome, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 31) 
Zephiran. See Benzalkonium
Zidovudine, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 33) 
in postexposure HIV prophylaxis, (Foundations Volume 2, Chapter 64) 
Ziehl-Neelsen carbol-fuchsin acid-fast stain, (Foundations Volume 2, Chapter 40) 
Zinc disulfide, foreign body containing, (Foundations Volume 3, Chapter 6) 
Zinc therapy, for acrodermatitis enteropathica, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 27) 
Zinn-Haller arterial circle, (Clinical Volume 2, Chapter 4) 
Zinn zonules. See Zonular apparatus
Zolmitriptan, for migraine, (Clinical Volume 2, Chapter 16) 
Zonal outer retinopathy, (Clinical Volume 2, Chapter 5) 
Zone model of color vision, (Foundations Volume 2, Chapter 19) 
Zonisamide, in migraine prophylaxis, (Clinical Volume 2, Chapter 16) 
Zonular apparatus, (Foundations Volume 1, Chapter 15) 
aberrant zonular fibers, (Foundations Volume 1, Chapter 14) 
anterior ciliary girdle, (Foundations Volume 1, Chapter 14) 
bundle, fiber, and fibril architecture, (Foundations Volume 1, Chapter 14) 
cataract surgery and, (Foundations Volume 1, Chapter 14) 
ciliary-lens course, (Foundations Volume 1, Chapter 14) 
circumferential girdle fibers, (Foundations Volume 1, Chapter 14) 
equatorial and posterior disinsertion, in cataract surgery, (Foundations Volume 3, Chapter 12) 
function of microfibrillar system, (Foundations Volume 1, Chapter 14) 
molecular genetics, (Foundations Volume 1, Chapter 14) 
posterior attachment to anterior hyaloid membrane, (Foundations Volume 1, Chapter 14) 
Zonular cataract, (Clinical Volume 1, Chapter 73) 
Zonular fibers, of crystalline lens, (Clinical Volume 1, Chapter 71) 
Zonular-traction retinal tufts, (Clinical Volume 3, Chapter 26) 
in exfoliation syndrome, (Clinical Volume 3, Chapter 54B) 
surgical anatomy, (Clinical Volume 6, Chapter 51) 
Zonulolytic glaucoma, (Clinical Volume 3, Chapter 54G) 
Zoonoses, chlamydial, (Clinical Volume 4, Chapter 7) 
Zoster, (Foundations Volume 2, Chapter 94) See also Herpes zoster; Varicella–zoster virus (VZV); See Herpes zoster
Zostrix (capsaicin), in herpes zoster management, (Clinical Volume 4, Chapter 20) 
Zovirax. See Acyclovir
Z-plasty, after lid repair, (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 75) (Clinical Volume 5, Chapter 88) 
in craniofacial syndromes, (Clinical Volume 6, Chapter 110) 
Zuckerkandl dehiscences, (Clinical Volume 4, Chapter 25) 
Zygomatic bone, 2, (Clinical Volume 2, Chapter 21) 
Zygomatic foramina, (Foundations Volume 1, Chapter 32) 
Zygomaticosphenoid suture, (Clinical Volume 2, Chapter 21) 

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